We are hosting an event at Five Iron Golf in Herald Square on Thursday, April 28, to kick off our efforts to restart the golf program for the Eagle Academy for Young Men of Harlem.
We hope you will join us from 6-8pm for food, open bar, hitting stalls, and contests for prizes.
The Eagle Harlem golf team was initially started several years ago with the help of Farrell Evans and his prior organization, and the school recently reached out seeking a new partner in Momentum to revive the team for the fall of 2022. We have set a fundraising goal of $100,000 to hire a coach and program director and to cover equipment, transportation and other expenses.
The event at Five Iron Golf will feature several opportunities to contribute to this important cause and to support our efforts to make the game of golf more diverse and inclusive.
Tickets are $150, and all proceeds go toward Momentum Golf & Education, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Thank you all for your support, and we hope to see you soon!